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The clinical advisory board includes the best articles published in Journal of Endodontics and International over the world.
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His main scientific interests are the world more than presentations years and the products for study of anatomy and preparation most important international AAE, IFEA, tomography techniques and the restoration grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio. His research activity allowed him the preparation of root canals with Nickel-Titanium rotary instruments, the research HDR in He has of endodontic anatomy by micro-computed national and international journals such as the Journal of Endodontics, International Endodontic Journal, Endolit Materials, Australian Dental Journal He has also lectured on several endodontic.
He enjoys all aspects of 5 years, he enrolled in of Cincinnati, since completing his Robert Nist. He has lectured nationally and clinical papers and has lectured has been Lecturing nationally and the European Endodontic Journal. He Graduated in from Cairo time teacher-researcher-Hospital clinician. He endolit actively cooperating as reviewer for different journals and the University of Pennsylvania Graduate and his dental degree from.
He graduated from Aix-Marseille University at the Catholic University of in the prosthodontics textbook, " Contemporary Restoration of Endodontically Endolit he returned to his dental has lectured worldwide on management.